Saturday, March 29, 2008

finance, politics, economics of the absurd...

some people sing lullabyes for babies.  some give gifts on christmas and during chinese new year. 

someone wants to say err..aahmm...birthday... !!!  man, that's deep!

it's also mightily absurd!  and it's damn scary!!!

it's got not to be a gentle way.  it's got not to be a peaceful way.  it's in bad taste.  someone's gonna bertdey somebody in a very awful way.  a protest during a bertdey?  possibly  even going into rowdy, violent, really bad boy behavior?  true, they lost quoreeek in the silly war.  a frustrating battle.  so what?  they lost joooana loooseada.  so… so…  they lost joe and joey perez (masquerading as devilenicians).  what !!!   they lost so many other things and people and a lot of moolah.  they even cursed eleven thousand devils and nearly, at that, their master.  for what?  32 billion bequeathed by chine?  out of three, four, five trillions or more from the parent loot?  and a little heaping here and there of about a third of that amount in swiss, caymans and other banking states?

who the fucking cares about a million less sacks of rise?  that's chicken putty.  who cares about the shit loozeada and quoreek are ranting and raving about?  it's pure ugly shit that has no meaning at all.  you’ve all heard about mud slinging, this is manure throwing and they think they’re having a ball!  they’ll hit whomever they want to hit to smell obnoxious.  that is all it is.  what's a few dollars more on top of a barrel of oil?  and the coming strike to celebrate that in a negative way?  it’s totally insignificant bull  dirt  and  bird dung.

that they feverishly want to lay their filthy hands on the loot without working hard for it? come on man!  shit! for the love of jesus, mary and joseph.  these evil inspired, lucifer loving and satan worshipping demons in human garb can't ever want something good for the country they don't care about. all they want after all is to be fully enriched, energized and envigorated by these trillions worth of depositos los muchos dineros now languoring in total peace in chine and elsewhere.  and they have no shame.  utterly no shame at all.

imagine how quoreek had badmouthed the erstwhile patriarch-dictator, now deposed and dead, and cursed him to high heavens.  hired international p.r. experts to put up the 3,000 pairs of shoes and the thieving and high stakes robbing in the world market of ideas.  the marcosified and imeldific into the Guinness and Webster’s or something like that and then in her reign in the realm, she wanted a special baul (read: bank account) to be the sieve (read: conduit) of these troves of treasures.  what for?  she did not like the man anyway?  shame, shame, shame on her that quorreeek.  she smells fishy even from behind, Lord God!  who’s the betterer and the masterer of the thieves then?  God bless all their souls!

and iko chavez, the sol gen, he did a masterful mastermind alliance with the swiss minister peter muller.  and nauto that mule, he signed the pact between states that would be nullified when the supreme court of switzerland cried (read: ruled) foul!!!

so let's see, why is the widow of the man deposed and dead, getting special treatment in the courts?  and why is iko chavez griping?  read between the lines.  dear watson, it's all elementary!

but, truly, how utterly selfish and low mien for some of our fellow men.  if they are really human, after all.

i've been in the finance world for long.  i've never seen anything like the lopezes, so greedy that bunch.  their past and futures interconnected with those of the quorreeeking household.  i've never seen such immortalized katangahan in the person of jaime zobel.  i've never seen a mongrel with billions behind him and millions of square meters or hectares in real estate in makati like joushjow binay.  as if he was in business too!  but he is a mere public servant who would not grant a building permit without asking for at least a floor of a building.  and these he converts into little wads of money to fill up instead an entire building.  however he keeps his dogs hungree, thus these are always on the prowl in makati streets and avenues looking for morning, noon and nighttime meal fare... or milk money for their children.  or date funds for their beaus.  and look at that idiot emilio of bulletin, as if he truly owned that diyaryo or manila hotel, ne?  its quorreeek!  that's why her son (quorreek's) is so fond of guns, he can't sleep without the untroubling thoughts that there is a black kommando and yellow armee to protect him.  and his own friends of short surnames, they smuggle the most number of deadly weapons just to play endlessly with them on the firing range of an ogre from chine dabbling in gun running all his life, and always waiting to take a living thing to feed his pet sharks displayed in his own apartment. guess who's been a regular guest at nong nong’s gun runner fiend er… friend in the old days?  the baron guinggonggong who's also into gun running since deposed and dead boss’ time, and who knows what else.  They say, the baron’s bones and tendons are merely held together by drugs.  her daughter of course, all fucked up and badmouthing future bertdey gurl since the beginning of kingdom come who really knows how to and could get truly drunk and het drugged up at the same time.  and nong nong has all those mah jong comadres (read: bootlickers) and lesbian friends (read: assslurpers) of her mom who’d make him suckle up to them up to now?

it's a crazy world out here.  and there's this old, dying would be president (for a midterm), who was given a full tenure only of three years but wanted more and landed in jail.  now free, that idiot.  and he only wants a small election once more.  just a teeny weeny bit of an election, and if only a coup could arrange that!  wow!!!

his suborned diabolic, moronic army of has beens have been causing great earthquakes on the realm, but never so much as making a dent on the tightly sewn up ozone layers immediately above them.  so it's crazy, ye can all tell me.  because a lot of the anti-heroes out there are in deep despair.  not only about the 32 billions of green bucks that won't go to them.  they're desperate because they want to suckle the baby bottle while the lady presidenta is still at it  yet.  they can't clearly wait because the lot of them are dying, not literally mostly, but figuratively to chance a grab (puga) at the loot and run away with it.  really dying to do the classic ocean's 14.

shit!!! fuck!!!

you would like to hope that they die instead.  without accommodating the thought that demons can only die by the sword of God's begotten one.  these maniacs causing Troubles in the realm have even gotten into demonizing the higher echelons of the vaticanesque clique in the country.  and they got their holy reprieve but they're mighty still at it in spite of.

but since the people are collectively God's offspring, if one, then the demonyos in our midsts will not ever reign supreme.  will never.  they will be forever afraid.  but if the demonyos instead succeed in division, splitting all of us into hostile gangs against one another, that is an entirely different story.

no matter what the drama of the script of loozeada, that episode about a primeval creature criminally creeping into our conscious minds is over.  at least God let that stupid s.o.b. know how well in hell he had been buttered.  and he better beware.  or he'll either be washed with real holy water, or stuck by the ecclessiastical pin.

let's mourn for their dying early than their deaths.  and work against the un-ballerina splitting moves.  it's really high time.  a lot of hands and heads are needed to stop the demonyo from succeeding in its lowly and lonely trade:  war, conflict, hostility, division, strife, rifts and all that jazz.

that, i believe will put some sense into the brains of the insane marauders.  if they ever have brains at all.  you wonder if they ever had hearts and souls.  but spirits, they have a lot of that.  bad spirits.  just.  if not applicable, they should be shot in public view soon.  that will be the only and the best form of riddance of cockroaches, snakes and man-eating wild creatures in our midsts.  that's finance, politics, and economics of the absurd for ye, and specially, only in the philippines!  grrrrr!  and double grrrrrrr!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

ladies and gentlemen:

i regret to announce that our friend por joon, por santo, is dead.

i mean, the issue he is espousing, is now passé.  he is now finished.  kaput. at least, he already had his sixty minutes of glory. God bless his soul.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

the melodrama

I got this from:

Issues melodrama is a subgenre of melodrama in which current events or politics are given a dramatic treatment, hoping to use some recent crime or controversy as a vehicle to draw an emotional response from the viewer. The usual method is to involve lawyers, police officers, or physicians, who can then make speeches about the crime or controversy being dramatized. By this artifice, the dramatist seeks to engage the audience's recently refreshed sense of fear or moral disapproval, while simultaneously maintaining the posture that the drama so produced is timely and socially engaged.

one often wondered where all this stupidity is leading to?  some say uncle sam is involved.  at a certain point i thought it was uncle inchic that was behind it.  but then, after what joe c. perez a/k/a joe devenecia, jr. did to the inchic, it doesn't sound plausible at all anymore.

they say that some right leaning rebel soldiers are on the payroll of some foreign entity.  maybe true, at that.  like my dad used to say, the abbas brothers were agents of indonesia spying on the philippines.  joe perez says 'ramos to bolt from arroyo sooner' or something like that in today's newspapers.  but whatever, i think something else is driving joe perez and his son, joey perez perez (a/k/a joey perez devenecia, the 3rd) to their damnation and in turn they will lead us all into hell together with their anointed new minion, joon lozada.  they must have blackmailed him so hard despite that he was their loyal long-time soldier (read:  employee) because they know his secret of being the boyfriend of one of their own employees too who is being hounded by senate to testify again after his/her previous grillings.

so our joon is a homo or a bi, that explains why he is such a crying lady.

since joe perez, angel lagdameo, oscar cruz, teddy bacani and their fellow satanists are the ones leading the initiative, joon must indeed be a recruitable to them.  and more or less, we know who is driving our friends into serious madness.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

wear sun glasses at night

i'll wear my sun glasses at night

so i can't see these nonentities parading their shit in front of me

washing their dirty linen before my eyes

suffering me with paranoia, invectives, teary-eyed confessions, fucking endless lying for the benefit of many, many millions of reasons, kicking my country in the gut just for their greed, shameless and wanton grasping for power...

hell, these people would even sell the sun, the moon, the stars, the weather...

to the highest bidder.

they even offered in bargain sale their own souls to the devil.

manga bastoses!

manga animales!

manga walang modos!

manga asal hayupes!

Poor Jun Por Santo!

nothing is going to happen in the pH.  i just feel it in my guts.  this guy, who's going around the school circuit, must love his own voice very much, and must be paid a hefty "patriotic sum".  he asked for that "patriotic sum" according mr. lito banayo who was there when he made his behests.

well, our madame ping lacson has a big house in las pinas at bf thai, bf international, where she keeps all her dough.  it is said, she just goes to that house to withdraw her moneys.  when she isn't inside the house, all the lights are on.  everytime she is there, all the lights are turned off and the basement, only the basements, comes alive.  like chavit singson's house, the ground and upper floors are lit but no one lives there, or almost.  the basements are where the action is.  but madame's basements are not for living in.  they are designed like bank vaults.  how much is madame hiding in those basements?  no one knows.  but it must be in the tune of a hundred of millions of dollars or billions in terms of pesos considering the size of the house.  tita ping, as general berroya calls her, probably never thought to be traced with his money in banks.  so he decided to build an underworld bank.  and that's where jon lozada got his "patriotic sum."

so now, mr. "patriotic" is going everywhere that there are students, and preaching a student revolt.  how pathetic and totally absurd.  to be paid an enormous amount to corrupt students?  i guess that makes young people and their parents fools for letting someone corrupt the school system and turn it into fidel castro and che guevarra's foco, or central the revolutionary mass.

but there is no other way, is there?  to keep paying for the rallyists coming to the faus pax people power uprisings means a lot of drain on the  basements of madame tita ping lacson, mr. cover-up strada, mr. junggoy strada, mr. mayor jay vstrada, the missus in makati layedy's club, miss cheska escudera, mr/ms. pita coyotena, mr. jomboy madrigal, mrs. leery legarda l'vistae, mr/ms. nena pimentail, mr/ms. adel(a) tamanah, mr/ms. ding juliano salimain a/k/a mr/ms. piss bonds, mr. mayor freddy lame, their chinese and hispanic kowtow'ers, messrs. satyr ugambo, cheddy casoy, no?, mr/ms. lizardo maza, and all their other cohorts, factotums, etcetera, etcetera. and a major headache to their major sponsors from the underworld, the Fantastic Order of The Jinn Lovers.

and now here's this guy, going the circuit telling everyone and sundry, the present resident evil, virus, microbe, whatever, has been planned a long time ago.  and that uncle sam, is the author of all of this.

please!  please!  por joons, por santo, et al stop your stupid mongrelizing of the people now.  before the heavens and earth open and create a commotion trying to one-up each other on who will swallow you first, you damned fool!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


One can often be superficial.  But that does not make all of me.  (At least  I like to think sometimes, I don't sound always sophomoric.  That somewhere somehow, there is depth to what I say and do. Eh he he he.)

There is nothing more beautiful and admirable than mingling with both kinds of people: those you like and don't. You make friends and you get to make war too. Certainly human relations is not all a bed of roses.

That's the only way to keep well-informed, discerning and discriminating.  At least that's what I would really like to do.  And you?

Be safe. Be wise. Be enlightened. C'est la vie!